February 4, 2007

My Favorite Things...at 22-months-old,by Jas D...

My trike...mummy gets annoyed when i ride it in the house but i say"Phewy"to that!
My sister is ok ,I've kind of gotten used to her and she is fun to play hats with(see above) and peek-a-boo.

I love,love,LOVE my dadda throwing me around...who doesn't?.I LOVE my dad!

Other fav things include,:
WEETBIX :I have got quite addicted and will sit and eat them straight from the box.
THE PANTRY:my domain,much to mum's annoyance(I think It's when i Hide the food around the house?)
RUNNING,laughing,yelling,screaming...y'know,the usual stuff.
TANTRUMS:love these.
TALKING semi-babble,semi-english,I surpose it's kind of a cross between both of these...I know what I'm talking about anyway!
TAKING my nappy off...I think it's time for toilet training mum!
COUSINS:especially copying my cool cuz,Ethan,we love to be as noisy as humanly possible.
AND NO 1 is still RABBI...my sick looking toy rabbit that I have loved since I was a very little fella'.


Craig and Heather said...

Hey Jasper, don't tell anyone...
But i've still got my teddybear from when I was a little boy :D
Love Uncle Craig (from Cape Town)

Shanley said...

Rabbi - short for rabbid!! - gosh that thing is gross.... You will have to save it to torment him with it on his 21st - that will be fun!