February 14, 2007

Back to Playgroup

So off we went to thursday morning playgroup.It was another good turn out and I must say they are a lovely bunch of people.
Jasper had a blast although as per normal at these things he had to contend with slightly bigger kids(two 3-year-old boys)who had to dominate...but jas just handled it in his usual no fuss way,which is;smile and take back his toy anyway.He loved the ride-on cars,even if he did keep getting stuck in them!.At morning tea he had ants-in-his-pants and kept getting up and stealing raisens off other little kids plates...he clearly loves raisens.
Ruby was very happy and wore a big smile for most of the morning.It is so great to see her with other wee ones her age.She watched her brother running around and I could see her wanting to play too.She had a huge sleep when we got home.
A fun morning.

1 comment:

Shanley said...

Thank goodness your are all ok! lol, I see your dirving skills haven't improved - sorry.... hope it's not too early for a little humour
