September 20, 2009

spring equinox...

And while the days are becoming longer and we are having LOADS of spring rain,I however am OVER the cold and wind and damp...brrrr.But inbetween the showers we have been basking in any sunshine we get!,and ruby get's busy picking every little flower that pops up in our lawn.Billy has found a way to get up into the garden beds and dig in the damp soil...and splash in the birdbath...and well,get into everything!.

We are off home to NEW ZEALAND in a couple of days time.Another long flight for our children but,they are such little troopers.Their aunty Fiona is marrying uncle shane and so we are all excited to be there for that ,and be back in Central Otago for a few days.I won't want to leave!.Maybe our little"aussie"kids will see some snow still on the mountains.

September 15, 2009


A sad day as mine and dave's thoughts turn to the funreal of a beloved grandmother,occuring in south africa as i write this now...I am grateful that I had the chance to know Gran D for a little while and I treasure the memory of her aswell as our other grandparents.

September 7, 2009

Our new house

On ethan's 5th birtday recently jas and ruby each had a spin with uncle on ethans dirtbike.They loved it!.It's the perfect size though for maddy and she burns around on it like an expert.