August 16, 2009

Thanks aunty shanz!

Today i opened a present from my cool aunty shanz in NZ...bath toys!I especially liked the toy fishing rod for the bath!xx.Now I just have to keep my brother + sister's hands off them!.

(Will post a pic or two later as dumb computer won't cooperate right now:)

August 2, 2009

Billy's 1st birthday!

I will post some more photos when i am not so tired!But,our baby has a had a fantastic day.Cake.A vist to Whiteman park where he had his first trainride!Lots of playing and giggling.And to mark this milestone we planted two native trees(small ones!)A banksia and a wattle.Now all three children have a tree planted for them.

Oh and did i mention he is now walking?!.He took his first TEN steps infront of his dad on the eve of his 1st birthday.
Happy birthday small fry!