January 13, 2006


Imagine if you will; getting out of bed all bleary-eyed and exhausted,because of a son who keeps waking up in the wee small hours-and going into the living room to discover your son,lying with his equally bleary-eyed father on the floor,dressed in the brightest clash-of-clothes you have ever seen!.Heres my boy-dressed in the funniest ensemble of green with bright-yellow stripe shorts (too baggy for him,so that they hang down to his ankles,like some colour-blind old surfie!.) Not only this,but on his feet are red and blue socks with big stars of yellow on them and,to top it all off? blue rocket ship PJ top and bright green bib!.My very tired hubby looks at me and my stunned expression and says "I dressed him in the dark!".NO KIDDING,REALLY??.WE both giggled like a couple of crazy people.Sleep deprivation does mad things.
We cant understand WHY Jasper has started waking up in the night again?. I am too much of a softie to let him cry for hours plus, I like my sleep too much.But i think Dave is at the point of getting ear-plugs and crying "baby!, what baby??".
Dave can't do anything domesticated with Jas at the moment,because daddy equals "playtime"to Jasper.So,It's mummy who does all that stuff-puts him to bed,changes nappies,dresses him etc...Brilliant,I hear some of you say but,in reality, it is hard on me because it means i dont get a break from it.And it is difficult for Dave aswell,as he can't help me.
EXAMPLE: 1:30 A.M this morning,Jasper starts crying,Dave gets up,Jas see's dad and thinks 'playtime',Dave tells him "sleeptime",Jas has other ideas and refuses bottle or bed!.Liane hears the stress levels of her darling husband,rising, and gets up to help.I go in,Dave goes to bed and straight away Jasper settles down,has his bottle and is back to sleep in his cot within minutes.And even then,the little monster still is awake again at 5:00 A.M!!
I am tired all the time at the moment-that stage of pregnancy-and when Jas wakes up at crazy hours,so too does Ruby!.Luckily,at the moment I can catch up on sleep when Jasper has a sleep during the day.Poor Dave can't.And,what's worse is that his Golf has suffered since becoming a parent!.


the kanga barrons said...

oh u poor things. i sooo understand coz ethan has readjusted his routine 2 suit himself regardless of our efforts 2 stop it & now goes 2 bed super late only 2 get up super early & in between sneaks in2 our bed at nite 2 kick us thruout!! dnt worry tho, these phases pass & all control goes back 2 the parents.

Shanley said...

sounds like dad needs to put jasp to bed every nite utill jasper gets that it is bed time not play time. This from the no kid expert. Feel for ya buddy!