May 31, 2007

Belated Birthday Presents

The day started by putting rabbi,the discusting toy rabbit of jaspers,in the wash!!Jasper

was so happy to go to daycare this morning and as soon as he got there it was straight onto the bikes,which he loves.After dropping him off then it was time for ruby+I to walk the short distance,across warnbro sound avenue,to playgroup.All the usual mum's were there and even one dad(which was nice to see),however miss ruby was in no mood to play today as she was very tired.Still,we stayed 'till morning tea as i was enjoying chatting to my friends.It was Holly's 1st birthday today so there was cake,which perked roo up abit!.

We got home and ruby had a massive sleep,I think she is teething actually as she has been very grumpy the last couple of days and clingy.

Oh yeah,last night we opened a present from Heather+Craig,which we only recieved yesterday after sitting at australian customs for 6 weeks!!,we each got a book,I will enjoy reading my new novel and Jasper LOVES his THINGS THAT GO book...he+daddy were reading it last night and pretending to be airplanes,waving arms in the air and you should of heard the noises coming out of jasper eg:"BRRRMMM" and "WEEEEEEEEEEEE!"(Infact Heathy did when we rang to thank her).You both have made your nephew very happy so thankyou!.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yes that thing is disgusting isn't it.