Jasper's teacher told me he said "careful"today as he sat at a table with another child.Wow,that's quite a big word.His language is flourishing lately with "go","shoes"and s*** being his new favorites!(I blame his father!...hee hee.)
He is quite bossy with his sister and he terrorises the cat but he's lovely and even his teachers say what a cutie he is,they also say he never hits at daycare(he does at home),but i have seen him +another boy hitting while there.I think it's normal 2-year-old behaviour??,he +his cousin are always hitting and pushing one another(not forcefully or anything) and they are good buddys.So who knows?.I have only spanked jas on the bum twice,but I prefer to put him in his room for time out when he's naughty and It is more effective I find than spanking.I hear it has become law now in NZ that you can't spank your children anymore or only lightly or something?.I can see the reason behind but how it's going to be enforced is the question!.I mean,at the end of the day no normal parent likes to smack their child but they shouldn't be made to feel like criminals if they need to.
Changing subject now,Ruby adores thomas and cuddles him(but,surprisingly gently)and calls him"AT!"which is very sweet.Speaking of cat,rose+I are thinking thomas might be a girl!!,even tho the girl at the petshop and Dave think he's a boy.I certainly can't see or feel anything down THERE and he's nearlly 8-weeks-old but dave assures me that "they"haven't dropped yet!?.
Will it be thomas or Thomasina!??,only time will tell.
1 comment:
It is great to see your blog, guys. Hope you are happy in Aus!
Your children are lovely.
Love from,
Lindy greaves
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