language/cultural Origin:FRENCH
Inherent meaning:BEAUTIFUL JEWEL
Spiritual connotation:FULL OF GRACE
Yes,our little jewel is here,all 71b 14oz of her.Born on the 20th April at 9:45 p.m,and in quite a hurry might i add.We brought her home the day after her birth as i missed Jasper terribly,but also i just wanted to climb into a hot bath and sleep...well,atleast i got the bath part!
Ruby Elizabeth is a surprise,she is way tinier than jasper ever was,with a mop of black hair(that has already lightened,with flecks of golden highlights..).We all can't stop stroking her soft hair and skin..she came out all round and pink,and is still.This morning she opened her eyes for the first time properly,they will be big and blue,like her brothers,but,oh,she is a poppet!...I can't get enough of her.
Her daddy is smitten with his little girl and,he is so careful with her..It is gorgeous to watch him with her.Jasper isn't so smitten,but he is slowly coming around to the idea...just aswell!.He is such a daddy's boy at the moment,actually he always is.We have to watch him like a hawk around Ruby tho.
So,we hope you all get to meet our Ruby before too long?,she is a delight,and a wonder.Enjoy the photo...
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