Wow, what can I say? Liane was absolutely awesome, never have I been more proud of her. It was a lot quicker this time around than it was for Jasper, Lee phoned me at work to say that her contractions were getting bad, this was around 4:00pm, I got back half an hour later, by 6:00 we were at the Maternity Unit, her contractions were really intense and 5 minutes apart by then. They came regularly and painfully, lasting about a minute at a time, by 7:00pm she was puffing away on the gas, by 8:00 pm the midwife was sitting with us the whole time, she new it would not be far off. Lee started pushing her little heart out at 8:35, she did really well, the contractions came steadily every 2 minutes, and 10 minutes later Ruby's head popped out, a mass of matty black hair! She was quiet for a while, I was still staring dumbly at her purplish features, then she gave a squawk, which turned into a full hearted cry, the most wonderful sound in the world. She has a good set of lungs on her, our Ruby, the crying continued for the next few hours( now maybe a less wonderful sound),in between sucking greedily, she had no problems latching onto the breast, something we were both really glad about after the problems with Jas. She settled down in the early hours of the morning, falling into a deep sleep around 6:00am. By this time she was a lovely rosy colour and most of the vernix has been re-absorbed. She slept really well until mid-morning, woke up, now not too keen to latch on, I think she was still really tired. Lee battled on to get her to suck, with limited success until we gave her a bath to clean her up and wake her a little, after that she was ready to suck properly again. We both felt ready to leave in the afternoon, having spent a good part of the morning with Granny Walker and big brother Jasper, who was tearing into everything.Got home about 3:30pm, am feeling terribly proud Ruby is absolutlely beautiful... so far, so good...

Welcome beautiful niece xxx She is gorgeous guys and we are so very very happy for the three of you. Sending all our love, Andrew, Rose and kiddies
Yay, thankgod it was easier!
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