March 11, 2006

Rasta man!

Fairly quiet weekend down our way.Dave has an ear infection,so he is full of antibiotics and pain killers,and is doing better.Meanwhile,I have been freshening up a set of drawers,with a lick of paint.I am at that nesting stage of pregnancy,so thoroughly enjoyed neatly putting all Roo's tiny clothes away,this morning.And i just can't wait to meet her!.
Was listening to some UB40 this morning and,"Rat in me kitchen"came on,as i was singing at the top of my voice,(Noone was home by the way) Jasper was doing his bopping to the beat moves.It is true that babies love Rasta music.I really must take him back to his music class.
Jasper has figured out how to put shapes in the holes of his shape sorter,and is still practising his standing and walking moves,and getting that little bit more confident everyday.

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