Jasper is getting cuter every day. He is learning so much all the time, really developing into his own little person. We always have a great time playing in the bath, his favourite toys are yellow duckie and two round rattle bath toys that Granny Doyle sent to him, and he splashes, whacks and wallops until he is almost breathless. Always before, he has tried to grab all the toys at once, to his undoing because he can't hold onto all of them and invariably loses the lot. Just recently he has learned to grab only one toy, and play with that for awhile before trying for the others, a toy in the hand is worth three that annoyingly bob out of reach the whole time! Small things, but amazing to watch him work them out.
Lee was telling me today about him learing to share. He has always grabbed a toy and played for a bit, amusing himself but not letting other people into the game. Today for the first time he held his toy out fot Lee, sharing with her, encouraging her to join him in his game. Wow, a small step perhaps, also a giant leap, I was so proud.
Funny thing today, I put Jas down for a sleep but he likes to sit up in his cot a the moment before lying down for a sleep, Well, I left him thinking I'd removed all hazards from his cot; five minutes later I hear this almightly static on the baby monitor - I rush back to his room and here's Jasper, happily chewing on the monitors wires with a big grin on his face. Oops!
I took him out to playgroup this morning. It was his first time at this particular playgroup as it has always cut in on his morning sleep time before now. I always feel a bit awkward when i first rock up at these things, and although I did find the competitiveness between the mums about "whose babies doing what" a bit annoying, I found Jasper really enjoyed it. I find his at the age now where he needs that social stimulation with other people and I do too. Cromwell is so small and it's very easy to make and maintain friends because you are always bumping into one another. thats the nice thing about living in a small town, I know just about all my neighbours on our street, it's nice and safe for children.
1 comment:
Ah Dave, I see you have discovered "Baby Racing" Horrible stuff, your kid will do things when he does them - no point to comparing and those mothers are stupid for competing. Saw your folks this weekend they are very well and looking forward to theri trip down to see you guys.
Muich love, jess
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