December 25, 2005

Christmas Day

We have had a fabulous christmas day.LOADS of pressies for jasper,he was exhausted by the end of his gift opening session!He got given about 6 new books by Gran W,Gran and Grandpa, uncle J and uncle G, Poppa and Gran R, we gave him one, his library is growing..., aunty Shanley sent a beautiful fairy photo album for Ruby, not born yet and getting presents already! Jas got a load of toys, many bath toys, a ball popping machine from aunty S, a cookie shape sorter from gran and grandpa (it sings and I fear it will soon be running out of battery life!), he also got a cool toy helicopter that, surprisingly enough, also sings, from aunty Jean and uncle Ian and kids, gran in England sent heaps and heaps,an african shirt from governors camp in Kenya (where I used to work), a melamine set, toy/travel books for stroller and car, to mention a few.Auntie Fi gave jas a wooden toy(that has a spring attached and which i cant help playing with!) and auntie Heather and uncle C ,in south africa,gave jas a beachset.Poppa sent clothes and a pull-along-duck set.Great-grannies gave him clothes and a book and toy duck. These are a few of the presents, not all have been mentioned, no offence to anybody. BIG thank-you's to everybody who sent something and made our little boys day.

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