Our boy has discovered the art of babbling and man,It is such a crackup!His latest is "Da-da"which is followed up with a succession of blowing bubbles.He is such a boy- he is so loud.Before I found out i was having a girl,I was imagining myself chasing 2 boys around ,an endless round of cowboys and indians and discovering our VCR or telephone taken to bits and then left like that!I know, i have 2 brothers!
Boys are cool tho,Ok,they may go through a smelly patch as teenagers but at the moment jasper is just adorable(and a long way off from becoming a teenager,thank goodness) Jas is
very affectionate-I get lots of cuddles and unconditional love(babies don't judge) He loves my singing!!
He loves bathtime,and he has taken to brushing his teeth in the bathtub lately-we have included a photo of this .I love getting up in the morning and seeing 2 big toothbrush's and 1 little one-It's
never too early to introduce good dental hygiene.
1 comment:
dat is so cute!, now I'm a user I guess I should create my own blog :-D. True, tis never to late for dental hygine! Later.
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