And he's drinking from a sipper cup now too.(but somehow i managed to upload the wrong photo,note double up!).He is on the move all over the place,has even figured out how to climb out the back door now.He Loves riding in the kiddie car outside!He also loves playing with the musical learning house and chasing the cat!He adores jasper...and jasper pulls funny faces' to get billy to giggle,so sweet!.
We have had a terrible past few days with him though.He's had a virus and has been a major grump!,the teething doesn't help matters!(he still has just 2 teeth).He woke up at 3 this morning..ugg.But,he does seem to be back to his little sunshine self today though.I Luuuuvvvv my sunny boy!!.
1 comment:
OMG - he seems so grown up!
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