A fairly quiet old time recently,funny how you get weeks like that aye?.Anyway,dave's sisters are having a much more interesting time of it...Heather is pregnant!!and Fifi has recieved her NewZealand nursing registration finally!!,so big things in store for them....congrats girls!!Hooray!.
We took the kids to Funstation yesterday because it was raining and they were bored,apparently every other parent this side of perth had the same idea!.It was chaotic really.But Jas +Roo had a brilliant time so that was the main thing.They even both had a turn on the little train...ruby did not fall out once!(dave was abit nervous about that.).On saturday night we had a real scare concerning our youngest:we were in bed and we could hear ruby crying but it was not a stressed cry so we thought we should leave her(We normally always check on her?),anyway i suddenly smell something and we rush to the kids rooms!,ruby's oil heater had somehow tipped over beside her cot and the room was full of smoke!,the oil leaking out.ruby was fine...but y'know...what if!?,best not to think about it really.
In other news ruby's walking is coming along nicely,she walks more than crawls now.Jasper's vocabulary is now so large that i cannot keep up!,he likes to help out around the house too...feeds the cat,'helps' change ruby's nappies,vacumes!.
1 comment:
OHG, how freaky! Good to know that Jasper is getting good training at an early age on how to be a house husband. Great photos, the kids look like they are having a blast, and your right it does look a little crazy!!
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