Daddy took down roo's cot...he say's 2 special people are coming to stay with us??...

helping mummy clean the car...

Ethan dropped by...mummy calls us double-trouble?...

Presents!!...i got a book,a ball+ clothes!...

I liked this t-shirt G+G gave me,i yelled"car"and demanded mum dress me in it!...

Me showing gran my block building...this is my car"Brmmmm..."

Me+my lovely grandparents...

I made gran giggle when i showed her how good i am at going down the slide...

It has been a very busy couple day's.We have 2 nice people called gran+grandpa in our house now...i call grandpa "uncle"which makes mummy laugh?.He is very nice+tall and sounds alot like my daddy and gran is so kind ans soft and happy and i do love having them around very much,and i have roo in my bedroom and we stay awake and squeal and chat very loudly...it is fun having new,special people to play with...
1 comment:
DAVE, you parents look well. Please give them my regards.
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