We thought we would venture abit furthur afield yesterday and vist scarborough beach,(about a n hours drive north),It was a nice surf beach,with typical white sands and HOT sun!.I found the hoards of people abit much at times and at one point Jas ran off and I could not see him,abit scary.(There were a couple of dodgy sorts in the kids playground too).But,It was interesting to see where Shanz used to live,in one of the beachside apartments there.And the Gelatos were most delicious,especially shanley's lemon gelato.The kids sure enjoyed them!
We were all exhausted when we got home.
Shanz went home to NZ this morning and she will be glad to get home to Jon,but not work!
We will see one another again in July when I fly home to NZ for my mothers 60th birthday.
Speaking of mum,she sent me the most sweetest photo of when I was 2 years old and my mum was,well,I guess around the same age as I am now...it was taken when we lived in cromwell,in otago.I always loved this particular photo so,thanks mum!
Also,Hi to Mom+dad in SA,great to know you are reading the blog.Yey!
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