November 6, 2008

Growing and Learning new tricks...

I am a social wee fella,have started squealing and chuckling,especially when tickled(I am very ticklish).I have grown alot and am now in 3month+ clothes.I Adore my big bro and Sis and i look as if i can't wait to get up and play with them.Mum would not be surprised if i am crawling earlier as I just have a very alert nature.
I love going for walks in the stroller,being lifted up in the air,trying to roll when put on my tummy(daddy discovered me in my bed on my tummy one day).I just can't wait to get going!.
Sometimes,I'm startled by my own hands 'cause I sorta forget I have them for a minute and then I remember and I stuff them in my mouth!,I can get a whole fist in my mouth!.
What will I learn tommorow?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

gosh, they are all growing so fast!