Ruby has her first sniffle...and a small ear infection.It's always the way!,just as we are about to embark on a 8 and a half hour flight!!.Hopefully the antibiotics will clear it up enough so that we can travel.She just smiles through it all though,our little star.
Jasper too is abit sniffly so we are keeping an eye on that.We will just be glad to arrive in perth,we are dreading the flight,we are taking the "no thrills"pacific blue,and while we did save some money it still would have been nice to have one of those bassinettes for ruby.
Oh well,people do it all the time,flying with young children,so i guess we will cope.
1 comment:
poor babe. logging in from auz, hope you got my quick goodbye e-mail?, tried to call before I flew out but you wern't home and i run out of time. So again... Have an awesome time and I will miss you heaps. I know your in safe hands with Davey boy and it is great to watch you two working together, i know you'll be fine. Now don't enjoy it too much as you have to come home to nz, closer to auckland or were we might be living so we can hang out more. selfish huh. Still can't beleive my oldest bestest friend is moving to perth. anyway ramble ramble, so ciao darling! keep in touch.
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