July 19, 2006

A smile to warm the heart..

Well,i dropped Jasper off to pre-school without much fuss,he did follow me to the door and when i looked back he did look very confused,which made me feel sad.He just looked so small all of a sudden...people see this boy who is big for his age and forget he is only 15 months old!.As i drove away i felt a strong urge to turn around and go get him but,alas,this is all part of 'it'...this growing up stuff.He is so much happier now he's at pre-school tho..
Anyway,when i picked him up he was sitting in a highchair and when he spotted me he gave the most beautiful smile and put his arms up for a cuddle and it kind of made my day..he does miss me afterall!!.

Ruby is on antibiotics to clear a sticky right eye,it has not just cleared up by itself like the midwife and plunket nurse said it would.It already looks better.She has just had her 3 month imunisations,she had a full on strop in the waiting room after.20 minutes after her injections and she was still howling and i was cringing in the corner!!.Next week we must subject her to yet more 'torture' when she has her first meningitis shots...yikes.

By the way,Jassie takes one look at the photo shop and starts crying,so we still have no passport photo.

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