Seems the whole whanau is on the move at the moment,now Dave's other sis,Heather and her hubby Craig,are about to move to capetown..not to mention my mum,who is moving back to NZ next year...permanently.Yey!Pity,now that we are moving to PERTH!!
Speaking of which,we had the RIDICULOUS task of getting both kids passport photos done the other day.WHAT a pain!!,after an hour we had managed to get Roo's done but not Jaspers,he was very patient...for five minutes..but after being told to straighten his head this way,dont smile,dont open your mouth,(he is 15 months old for goodness sake!),he lost it!.Anyway,now i have the unenviable task of taking him back to the photo shop today to try again.Wish me luck everyone.
Perth is looming close now and we have ALOT to organise before we can get too excited...yikes.
It was mine and davies' 4th wedding anniversary on saturday,can you believe it!.So we went for a lovely lunch out at Akaroa winerys,tryed some of the local chardonay and had a delicious pene pasta and smoked salmon dish,Yum!.