We had a very tough night with Jasper last night, are trying to get him to sleep through the night, quite successfully, I thought, and then last night he decided to wake up at 1 am and cry his little heart out for two solid hours. I went in and checked on him every 20 - 30 minutes, a little cuddle, we were so tempted to give him a bottle just to get him off to sleep again but somehow managed not too. Lee agreed that it was the toughest night that we have ever had with him. Eventually he went back to sleep, he woke up in a little later than normal, I had left for work already but Lee reconned he was in a really good mood, no damge done ! Hope that it goes better tonight, he is normally really good, pretty much he has been sleeping through for the last 2 weeks or so. Here's hoping...
Other than that all is well with the Doyle clan. Have got my folks and sister arriving from South Africa on the 10 Dec, are staying for 3 weeks, am really looking forward to it. It is certainly going to be a change for Jas, all those new people to get used to (we also have my aunt, uncle and three cousins arriving for Chrismas, staying for a week or so) Hope his little routine is not too badly affected, it is bound to be but with a little luck he will come right in a few days.
Lee felt the baby move today for the first time. Very exciting! She is 18 weeks at the moment, a really good pregnancy so far. Can't wait to go in for the scan on 1 Dec. Yay!
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