June 2, 2011

Here is my youngest child,practising blowing bubbles at his first ever swimming lessons last saturday.He didn't like having his face submerged in water at all!But he did like singing songs in the water and splashing about.His first major challenge in his young life.I forget all these lessons of childhood.That's why I see parenthood as a blessing and adventure because we get to see "it"all again through their eyes,including the tough bit's long since stored away in my memory bank.Hey,I'm old!!

My oldest child also faced his own challenge this morning at school assembly.He had to step up to the microphone infront of the entire school,barely reaching the microphone,and talk about his class activity.He spoke clearly and did so well.I saw last night in him signs of nerves about it...but today he shone.

And my middle child?she is bravely getting her confidence up at swimming,by getting her face in the water...scary,when your just 5.

How lucky I am to be here right now,in this moment,to watch my children learn and grow.

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