September 2, 2007

Ethan's 3rd birthday party.

Is it a bird?Is it a plane?No!'s superman!,and a future AllBlack!(am I going to get in trouble for saying that??)
jasper on his "hog"...

and ruby!...

and jas again...


the midget crew...patience,lily,jas+ethan...

and ruby too!!

We all went to playhouse up in port kennedy yesterday and the kids had a blast!.There were 5 little people:including my two.Jasper had fun in the bouncy castle and riding the "mini hogs"as i call them...he looked so cool on thse big 3-wheeler bikes with the raised handlebars,there was even a circuit that he could ride around on.Ruby was a little whirlwind the whole two+hours we were one point i asked her dad"where's roo?"and he said"in the corner"and that's when I heard the familiar giggle of my 16-month-old coming from ABOVE!,she had climbed up the top of the playground and was about to go down a rather huge slide!,very funny.

It was when young patience up chucked all over her mummy that we all decided to leave!...we went back to R+A's place so that ethan could have his b'day cake,and the kids could jump on the trampoline out the back,we must get one of those one day,a great invention.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

looks like a busy day out!