Jasper got very creative this morning with stuff from the pantry,he was very absorbed in it and told me he was building a house,cool.
I took them up to the local library today,thinking the kids might enjoy storytime...What a disaster!.We were late.My two were the only kids who were up pretty much 2-minutes after sitting down,my two were the only ones making noise,pulling pamplets off the table(and recieving stony-faced looks from the librarian),and my two were not at all interested in storytime.(to be fair,they had not been before!).I took them into the kids section and OFCOURSE jasper does a big poo in his pants!,and after pulling him(yelling and rebelling)and his sister through the library i discover the toilet door locked!Grrrrr...finally,after cleaning him up we made it back just in time for craft time after storytime(the only pleasant five-minutes.)Then,as we leave Jasper has a huge tanty!,just to top off an already awful vist to the library.
I'm far too pregnant and fed-up for that nonsense!.Next time I'll put a dvd in and let the little bugger run wild!,while I go and sleep.