May 7, 2007

Fun Station...

I finally got around to getting our butts to monday morning coffee group.What fun!,we all met at FunStation up in rockingham,a big indoor playground.Jasper+Ruby were able to play safely and I was able to sit with other mum's and drink the free coffee provided while still being able to keep an eye on them.Jas did about 3 poo's while we were there I reckoned,that was "fun".

We spent most of the morning there and all had a big sleep when we got home!!.So much for my housework...oh well,it will still be there in the morning and I make no apologies for getting a nap in when I can as you need It when your running around after a one and two-year-old!.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jasper looks as though he was having a ball - three poo's geeze, whatcha been feeding the fulla??

Ruby doesn't look to impressed in that photo. Like she's not sure if she should cry or not!