A busy old day.We drove out super early this morning to the naval base(dave's work) and had a look at the stunning luxury yaught(Is this how you spell it?).It was very la-de-da!,yep,I could cruise the world in it!
After we drove down to mandurah and looked for a b'day gift for our nephew Liam.While in the mall we spotted a couple of baby roo's!.Then we went and had a look in the pet shop and what did we see?,a lovely little puddy cat,that's what!.He is a mother's day gift from dave.We have named him Tom and he is 6-weeks-old and a fluffy grey +white darling.
so,now I have three babies...
Happy 9th Birthday to Liam John!!
1 comment:
Ohh so cute!! Bloody hell, what a massive Super Yacht!!! Flash, make sure you take me with you on your cruise now wont you.
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