July 24, 2010

July school holdays

While i'm glad they are over,we did have fun on the recent school holidays...lots of playing at the park,meeting friends,baking and making playdough and even a slumber party--that went relatively smoothly except for one little person who wanted to go home at midnight--and while i did get sick of hearing"I'm Bored!!"I did enjoy not having to make school lunches every morning!
Now they are back at school/kindy and into the swing of term 3 and i have one small,curly haired toddler to toilet train and try to convince to sleep in HIS OWN bed.Wish me luck.

1 comment:

Sarah Gauntlett said...

Hi there! have just added you to KMB but when I went to reply to your email it said it didn't exist!

anyway - welcome to the family!
