Ruby is loving going to kindy twice a week.This afternoon was mummy's vist time and it was so much fun to see just what my darling middle child gets up to at kindy.She is so softly-spoken to her teachers but is the total opposite at home?.It was nice,even if I did feel a giant in her 4-year-old size classroom!.Ruby enjoyed having me there and each child had made their mums a princess crown.Too sweet.The kindy mums are a friendly bunch.There is not quite the same communication between pre-primary parents.(Jasper's year)Both the kids are making so many friends.They all hold hands and the girls hug oneanother and try to kiss the boys(YES,even my daughter!!).They are learning about their world and how it operates.Jasper is learning to write(He came out with a new word this morning:"Go",he can also write "My" and his name.Ruby is learning to write her name.Jasper begins dance class tommorow at school(part of the curriculum).I wish I could be there for that!He loves to dance.They are going to have an end of term social to show off what they have learnt!!Lovely!.
Brrr...It's getting cold here now.
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