April 23, 2009

Sock weather again...

Well,the colder weather has finally reached us here in paradise.Soon,it will be rainy(winter)season again(yuk!)but,for now we are still having 'agreeable' autumn days.Perth does not experience the beautiful,chilly,seasonal-changes(those red and gold leafs!)like we get in NZ(esp in the SouthIsland where we are from)BUT-and I do have a point to all this-we DO have sensational beaches which in autumn/winter are virtually deserted and are are a wonderful place to just "BE"...as you can see in the photos in my last post.I do like the colder weather,Dave thinks i'm nut's but that's because HELLO,he grew up Africa!Anyway,Let's look at all the perk's of cold weather shall we?:

You get to stay in your pyjamas 2-days straight(No,not me...see 8-month-old son);
Stripy socks!!Yey for warm socks!;
more inside time...time to snuggle up,time to watch your children play with the wooden dollshouse (which cost an arm and a leg i must tell you),time to watch your baby son attempt to crawl(Nearlly);
you get to watch the rain(and hear the rain on the roof...ah,lovely);
Oh,and SOUP!,the best thing about colder weather...good soup.yep.
and oh,the list goes on but i'm sure i've bored you enough.

It's Anzac long weekend coming up.A respectful holiday to remember the aus/NZ soldiers who fought in the world wars and,to remember our past and how fortunate we have it today.And even better,there is no commercialism-no money changing hand's...it's just good old fashioned unity.

Have a good weekend.


Carle said...

Yup! We are loving it. Have you seen my fingerless gloves?


Anonymous said...

hmmm, wet, cold.... wet. Having to trek through mud to feed the horses & sheep - dark, cold.... did I mention cold..
