July 14, 2008


A quiet time as we await the birth of our youngest child.The children have been keeping themselves occupied...Jasper is very into building with blocks and anything else he can get his hands on,he builds houses and roads and citys and today it was sandcastles!.Ruby meanwhile is very into imaginative role-play,copying mummy mostly and also having conversations between her dollys and teddies.Today i found her in her bed surrounded by all her soft toys,so cute.She has also turned into abit of a nark lately,quite handy actually when we want to know what jasper's upto(usually destroying something somewhere),we just send ruby off to find him and report back..heeheehee.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Naw you look great! Geuss I won't hear from you in a while after Billy is here, luv me!