September 25, 2007

cheese please...

Jasper has been learning all about manners at daycare recently(and at home too!),and so he goes around the house saying "thankyou-u-u" alot.Well,today he was having his cheese sandwich for lunch and I hear him say:"Thankyou daddy,thankyou mummy,thankyou cheese!!"and he stuffed a piece of cheese in his mouth.Heeheehee.
In less happy news we have been told that Ruby has asthma...which has bummed us out does explain the ongoing cough and stuff atleast.strange though as neither dave nor myself have asthma nor does it run in our families.she is having to have syrup(ventolin),as she is to young for an inhaler.Ok,scaring myself now,better go.


Gran and Gramps said...

So Sorry to hear Ruby has asthma.Sure the syrup will help. Give her a big hug.

Anonymous said...

yea bummer, still lots of kids have it and sometimes it just goes. I wouldn't really worry about it too much - don't think its heriditory??