May 31, 2007

Belated Birthday Presents

The day started by putting rabbi,the discusting toy rabbit of jaspers,in the wash!!Jasper

was so happy to go to daycare this morning and as soon as he got there it was straight onto the bikes,which he loves.After dropping him off then it was time for ruby+I to walk the short distance,across warnbro sound avenue,to playgroup.All the usual mum's were there and even one dad(which was nice to see),however miss ruby was in no mood to play today as she was very tired.Still,we stayed 'till morning tea as i was enjoying chatting to my friends.It was Holly's 1st birthday today so there was cake,which perked roo up abit!.

We got home and ruby had a massive sleep,I think she is teething actually as she has been very grumpy the last couple of days and clingy.

Oh yeah,last night we opened a present from Heather+Craig,which we only recieved yesterday after sitting at australian customs for 6 weeks!!,we each got a book,I will enjoy reading my new novel and Jasper LOVES his THINGS THAT GO book...he+daddy were reading it last night and pretending to be airplanes,waving arms in the air and you should of heard the noises coming out of jasper eg:"BRRRMMM" and "WEEEEEEEEEEEE!"(Infact Heathy did when we rang to thank her).You both have made your nephew very happy so thankyou!.

May 30, 2007

Proud mummy...

Jasper is very into ripping paper up at the moment.WELL,this morning i wake up to a strangely quiet house and so walk out to the lounge...i should have stayed in bed,because jas had not only ripped up my mags BUT he had managed to climb the cabinet and pull down our photo albums.I fortunately managed to salvage 3 of the albums but 2 were beyond repair.Anyone who knows me knows how much i love my photo albums!

Anyway,after that stressful start things did improve.for a start it was very peaceful as jas was at his daycare,and i use this time to play with ruby and just enjoy her aswell as get some housework done when she sleeps.When she wakes we go for a good brisk walk which we both love.Then it is time to pick jasper up from daycare,he actually cryed when he saw me(In a good way!)which is rare for him,the teacher told me he had bumped his head so maybe that led to it.Anyway,we walked home hand in hand with big smiles on our faces,as jasper comes out with his latest word that he's learnt today.

my kids make me so proud.

May 24, 2007

At the Park+ abit of a ramble...

Jasper's teacher told me he said "careful"today as he sat at a table with another child.Wow,that's quite a big word.His language is flourishing lately with "go","shoes"and s*** being his new favorites!(I blame his father!...hee hee.)

He is quite bossy with his sister and he terrorises the cat but he's lovely and even his teachers say what a cutie he is,they also say he never hits at daycare(he does at home),but i have seen him +another boy hitting while there.I think it's normal 2-year-old behaviour??,he +his cousin are always hitting and pushing one another(not forcefully or anything) and they are good buddys.So who knows?.I have only spanked jas on the bum twice,but I prefer to put him in his room for time out when he's naughty and It is more effective I find than spanking.I hear it has become law now in NZ that you can't spank your children anymore or only lightly or something?.I can see the reason behind but how it's going to be enforced is the question!.I mean,at the end of the day no normal parent likes to smack their child but they shouldn't be made to feel like criminals if they need to.

Changing subject now,Ruby adores thomas and cuddles him(but,surprisingly gently)and calls him"AT!"which is very sweet.Speaking of cat,rose+I are thinking thomas might be a girl!!,even tho the girl at the petshop and Dave think he's a boy.I certainly can't see or feel anything down THERE and he's nearlly 8-weeks-old but dave assures me that "they"haven't dropped yet!?.

Will it be thomas or Thomasina!??,only time will tell.

May 18, 2007


I'm on the computer this afternoon and i hear jas yell"Thomas" from the lounge,thinking he meant the cat.But,when i went to have a look I find him looking at a page from the newspaper he had found which has pictures of thomas the tank engine AND he was all excited because now Thomas the tank engine was on TV TOO!.
And all this time I thought he was saying our cats name,oh well.

May 14, 2007

A quick thankyou

Well,this is a belated mother's day wish to a very rewarding and dear buddy of mine,Rosie.My other very dear buddy inspired me,shanley,who sent me gorgeous flowers for my mother's day!And It made me think...and I don't think we as woman reward ourselves enough for all the hard work WE do and the time we give everyone else.So,to rosie,shanley and to all you other mothers and daughter's I wish you ALL a belated Mothers Day!(you know who you are!).
Rose is such a great aunty to my two kiddies and I really couldn't manage without her some times!,like yesterday,she happily took my full-on 2-year-old with her to town,along with her OWN 2-and-a-half-year-old full-on son AND her 2-year-old(nearlly) niece!!Phew!,all so I could go to my appointment,without jas.Rose,you rock!.AND she manages to raise 5 lovely children!.

May 12, 2007

Welcome Tom.

A busy old day.We drove out super early this morning to the naval base(dave's work) and had a look at the stunning luxury yaught(Is this how you spell it?).It was very la-de-da!,yep,I could cruise the world in it!

After we drove down to mandurah and looked for a b'day gift for our nephew Liam.While in the mall we spotted a couple of baby roo's!.Then we went and had a look in the pet shop and what did we see?,a lovely little puddy cat,that's what!.He is a mother's day gift from dave.We have named him Tom and he is 6-weeks-old and a fluffy grey +white darling.

so,now I have three babies...

Happy 9th Birthday to Liam John!!

May 10, 2007

A typical Thursday....

There were lots of little one's at playgroup this morning,Ruby had a great time on the rocking horse and the swing.She got abit grumpy towards the end though.

Jasper was at daycare ofcourse and he did some lovely artwork.

Dave + all the guy's are working untill midnight tonight to get this "boat"finished and on the water tommorow,we will go out on saturday,as it might be fun to show jas where daddy works and I must admit i'm curious to see what the boat looks like.

May 7, 2007

I did it!

Ruby stood by herself for 2 seconds tonight!.This photo was taken just after.

Fun Station...

I finally got around to getting our butts to monday morning coffee group.What fun!,we all met at FunStation up in rockingham,a big indoor playground.Jasper+Ruby were able to play safely and I was able to sit with other mum's and drink the free coffee provided while still being able to keep an eye on them.Jas did about 3 poo's while we were there I reckoned,that was "fun".

We spent most of the morning there and all had a big sleep when we got home!!.So much for my housework...oh well,it will still be there in the morning and I make no apologies for getting a nap in when I can as you need It when your running around after a one and two-year-old!.

May 6, 2007

New Friends..

Well,Ruby(and mummy)are beginning to make some new friends at playgroup and today we went along to Harlee's 1st birthday party,there was a good turnout of people.We were the first to arrive which was abit awkward,but soon we were in the swing of things.We waited for the cake but it never came,so Ruby munched on chips+little sandwiches instead.

A fun little outing for roo+myself.