February 5, 2014

Change is good..

It's the first week back at school.Jasper is in year 4,Ruby in year 3 and William is Pre-primary and is at school full time now.Big changes all round!But it is great and i am liking the freedom.I miss them but such is life!..it just keeps rolling on fast and you have to keep up!

Once my 3 darlings went back to school i had a chance to clean and sort the house out abit.In my house things are never in the same place for long!My lovely husband didn't even blink when he came home to find his book shelf is now in Roo's bedroom!.He is used to my ways by now.Bless him!.

Anyway,here's some photos of the new look...in no particular order what-so-ever...
Rubys room...a new (ok,borrowed)book shelf for all her stuff(Bottom pic).My girl is a hoarder like me..
Billys room(Above).Art by clever granny walker xxJasper has a book shelf too now(below),this one borrowed from the living room..

Billys room(above).More storage now.Yay.

Busy bees in our garden

Summer days

February 1, 2014

No Shark Cull Rally...

We went along to our local beach this morning to join others protesting the new WA Shark Culling law!It was an impressive turn out.There were similar events all around WA,and the rest of Australia.I just hope it makes some difference 

Kids xxx

It has been a LONG 6 weeks of school holidays!But how can i resist these cheeky faces?
