September 24, 2010

Ruby's bouquet that she created for her dad.They come from a bigger bouquet that mom+dad gave us recently on their vist.Spring is here in a big way in perth.It lifts the heart to see all the life in bloom.Magical.

September 18, 2010

September 10, 2010

We have recently had the kid's grandparents here for a vist.We visited fremantle,serpentine,and the city.We really enjoyed having them.

September 2, 2010

Waiting for the tooth fairy

Jasper lost his first baby tooth at school today.He is in bed now and knows the tooth fairy will vist in the night.

Happy birthday

To our nephew ethan david!Happy 6th birthday darling!!


Our new nephew.His name is Liam and he was born to Fiona and shane in Dunedin,NZ on the 26 august.Welcome to the family babe.