June 28, 2007

Gran+grandpa came to my daycare today!!

Gran+grandpa,mummy+daddy picked me up from daycare today,i was so excited to see them that i showed off abit and went on the balance beam...one time i fell off and abit embarrised i pretended it was all part of the routine and so rolled across the ground!,it made them all giggle so it was ok!

Gran came to my playgroup too...

Here i am with gran and my friends:harry,holly and rory...we ate cake!

playgroup today...

Gran came wiyh us to playgroup today,here we are with my friends:Harry,holly+rory...we are all one-years-old!.Holly's big sis had a birthday so we all ate cake!!.I was in such a good mood allday.

June 26, 2007

I'm an early bird!!

I woke up at 4:30 this morning(again!),and while i was happy to be up my mum+dad were all cross!??...anyway,i ended up going back to bed later on in the morning and slept+slept!!.We went to feed the ducks at the park but they were as tall as me and quite a pain...so i was happier when i got to play in the park...and i loved the seesaw with gran!.

A quiet day at home...

My silly cat sat in MY highchair again...
...so i had to eat my lunch at the little table but i didn't mind.

We went and played at the park and fed the pesky ducks...there were alot of them+they were noisy!

June 24, 2007

Marapana Wildlife World...

There alpacas made me laugh!!
Anywhere i go i can always find a car!!...

I had just fallen in stinging nettles here...that wasn't very nice...

Daddy took me to see the donkey's and they made alot of noise when we walked away!

Getting up close to the animals...

Today we took gran+grandpa to the local wildlife park...
Alpacas are really ugly things but they are also really funny!!,and what's with the really bad haircuts!??...

Me+the alpacas...

I liked the kangaroos!...

...and they always make me giggle!!

We saw a joey in it's mummys pouch!!

This roo jumped on my mummy's back+scratched her neck and another roo jumped on my head!!,but i wasn't too concerned,just got a tiny fright...

Feeding frenzy!!...the animals were abit hungary!!...

I liked the birds,especially the ducks.

June 22, 2007

Pinnacles desert...Nambung national park,WA

The pinnacles desert...
I had a great time climbing the sand dunes!!...

...good views too...

I was allowed to sit upfront as we drove around the desert...

We saw 4 kangaroos+2 dead emu's!!


June 21, 2007

Are we there yet!?

The beginning of what was to be a very long ride in my car seat...and that is marshmallows on my face...incase you wondered.
Ahhhh....it's good to be out of that car seat!

Don't know what this was but it tasted GOOD!...


Sand!!...double hooray!!

Me,in a tree!?...

Look at the state of me!!,this is what too long in a car can do to a person!!...

Me+gran,ontop of the world...

...and this was the view!!...

right!,i've had enough of sitting in this car seat...


June 19, 2007

Rottnest Island...island of the rats..er,i mean Qokkas!

Here we all are on our way to rottnest Island...now will someone please tell me what all that blue stuff is out there!?...
Can i help it if roo adores me!?...

Mummy made me giggle when she rocked me and yelled "swish!!"...i can say "boat"now too...

Grandpa knows i am only little and he picked me up to look out the boat window...

This furry thing is called a Qokka...but all my big people said it looks like a giant rat!!?

Hmm...what's over here?...

Playing hide+seek...

Wow!!..this was fun!...

I know,i know...it's the hat,isn't it!??...

Yum!,thanks daddy....

This thing stood next to me+watched me eat all my lunch and it made me smile...

I ran up the stairs and...

I ran down the ramp... Lots!!

I was starting to get abit tired+over it by this time...so daddy gave me a lift.