March 30, 2007

Why we should all go bare-foot...

I took jasper shoe shopping today,what a nightmare!!,I was just one of half a dozen mum's trying to stay patient and polite as we squeezed our screaming,fighting and flatfooted toddler's feet into unbending shoes!!.And then,when I am paying for those well-earned shoes at the checkout,Jas has his first tantrum in public and I'm talking about howling at the top of his lungs-kicking and punching-so-the-entire-MALL-can -hear-him,kind of tantrum!.

Mortified and red-faced I shot out of that store like a bullet.But I got nice shoes!!

This afternoon our junk heap was towed away(that we used for parts for our car),and It made for exciting(?)viewing for jas,dave and roo.

March 27, 2007

A new bunny in town..

Jasper has a 'thing' about bunny's!.Today he recieved a soft,white bunny-rabbit toy in the post,for easter.Well,he had so much fun playing with bunny AND Rabbi...he had them kissing and hugging and he giggled with glee and,even tonight,he took bunny to bed,(with Rabbi too,ofcourse.)

And Bunny is so white and NEW...Is Rabbi's time up?!!...No way!

March 24, 2007

sweet dreams

Poor Roo is in a terrible state at the mo,what with a runny nose and now,she is teething!.Here she is looking so peaceful after finally falling asleep in our bed...awww,bless..

March 22, 2007


It was Jasper's last day in the babies room today so I thought i would get a photo of Jas + his teacher Sam but as you can see neither were looking at the camera but oh well...

Dave and I both picked him up this afternoon so Jassie was a happy chappy!

March 19, 2007

Terrible two's have arrived!!

Davies doing a 13-hour-day today so It has been a very long day for me with the kids,Jasper goes around saying "me,me,me!"and snatching everything off his sister all day long and both end up howling when i step in and try to resolve it.

However,we did have one highlight today and that was when Roo stood up by herself again,twice.She's getting the hang of it.

March 15, 2007

"Yes,what is it?"

Thismorning Jas went to daycare and had his first "school" photos taken which was very exciting,he is settling in really superbly at daycare and soon he will be moving up to the over-twos class which will be excellent for him,his language is coming along in leaps and bounds and he now beginning to string words together,an example is just now when i yelled to dave and jasper and Jas replies"Yes?,what is it?",but in a more jumbled together sort of way!.Another fav of his is"What's that?"...he's just growing up so fast!

Ruby went to playgroup this morning too and liked the musical instruments,maybe she will have her gran D and auntie's Heather +Fi's musical talents?But anyway she had fun and enjoyed playing with her friend Harlee,even if the two of them were seperated by the baby pen!.

March 12, 2007

And another thing...

Dave walked into the bathroom the other day and found Roo had got to her feet and was standing against the bathtub...that clever monkey!Also,she only stands on tippy-toes which is quite funny!.
Jas can now say "Fish"...clever,clever children.

ANOTHER beach...

We thought we would venture abit furthur afield yesterday and vist scarborough beach,(about a n hours drive north),It was a nice surf beach,with typical white sands and HOT sun!.I found the hoards of people abit much at times and at one point Jas ran off and I could not see him,abit scary.(There were a couple of dodgy sorts in the kids playground too).But,It was interesting to see where Shanz used to live,in one of the beachside apartments there.And the Gelatos were most delicious,especially shanley's lemon gelato.The kids sure enjoyed them!

We were all exhausted when we got home.

Shanz went home to NZ this morning and she will be glad to get home to Jon,but not work!

We will see one another again in July when I fly home to NZ for my mothers 60th birthday.

Speaking of mum,she sent me the most sweetest photo of when I was 2 years old and my mum was,well,I guess around the same age as I am was taken when we lived in cromwell,in otago.I always loved this particular photo so,thanks mum!

Also,Hi to Mom+dad in SA,great to know you are reading the blog.Yey!

March 9, 2007

"I love the nightlife..I've got to boogie..."(Honest!)

Well,while it's lovely catching up with old friends,I must admit I'm suffering abit!!.My kids wake up at 5am,maybe Six every morning...and normally I'm in bed by10pm.But I have had a couple of late nights and am exhausted...It's alright for SOME of us who can sleep in but for those of us who can't ....well,you get the idea.
Tonight we saw a feel good movie,WILD HOGS,I had a good chuckle anyway.
Tommorow we are going pubbing(?),clubbing(?) or someTHING,in fremantle.I am looking forward to it...if i could just get some zzzzzzzzzzzzzz before then,that would be perfect.

March 8, 2007

Good friends...good times...

Well,I had a very surprising birthday yesterday...Together,my two best friends (with alittle help from husbands +partners),arranged a surprise for me in a cafe in Rockingham,that was my dear friend Shanz flying over from NZ!!I had not the faintest idea!.They all hid it very well.Once I was over the shock,It was great to catch up and It was especially memorable as Shanz,Rosie and myself haven't been together,as in the 3 of us,since we were teenagers and all flatting together in West Auckland...a LONG time ago!

It was a fantastic,perfect birthday,celebrating with good friends.We also had a bbq last night and had a blast.

Today,we took it easy and hit the air conditoned mall and the 3 of us had lunch at ANOTHER cafe.

Shanley is here 'till monday so the next few day's will no doubt be very eventful.

March 6, 2007

This is Autumn?...

Another hot day in perth so we stayed indoors with our fan and cold drinks!..I think we are all used to the heat now.

Ruby has turned into abit of a drama queen just lately,jasper only has to look at her and she bawls her eyes out!?,heaven help us if he touches her!.I don't know if it's the heat or what but man,has she been cranky today!.

Jas pronounced his name for the first time today,"Jasper"just like that.Wow!

The kid's especially enjoyed their bath this evening,Jas didn't even complain when i washed his hair.

March 5, 2007

The doyle's hit the beach..

When we know the weather is going to be hot ,our family likes to walk and paddle on the beach.That's exactly what we did this morning.When the sun was still rising we went down to safety bay beach and the light was just

perfect for lots of lovely photos!

At one point jasper fell in the water and got abit of a shock but he did not panick, unlike his mum!.He and his dada had a wonderful time just paddling thru the warm water.Ruby had a tiny paddle too and loved it,she also loved eating sand and seaweed too!.On our slow meander up the length of the beach we saw a strange black blob in the water,dave seems to think it was a sea cucumber...hey,I believe him,it was definetly moving whatever it was.We also got a great view of a large group of pelicans on the shore,so amazing.

There were loads of fishing boats and eager fishermen.Dave is considering taking up fishing since he can't play golf.(His golf clubs are in a storage garage in NZ..)

I love public holidays.

March 4, 2007

Islands in the sun...

It was a stunning day in perth today so we took a drive along safety bay...the water was the most amazing blue! and the small surrounding islands and sandbars were so clear and felt as though if you put your hands out you could reach them!.People were actually walking out to penguin island along a sandbar...I so want to do that one day.

Anyway,we stopped in at the Naragebup Enviroment centre(don't ask me to repeat this),and it was Ok, Jasper sure enjoyed the fish in the mini aquarium,he put his face up to the glass and babbled to his new friends and It has inspired dave and I to maybe buy some fish for our little costeau.He also liked going up and over the little bridge.And i got to touch a puffer fish,oh ok so it was long-dead but still...pretty cool.

After, we clinbed in the tunnel in the kiddies playground outside and Dave and Jas had abit of a hair-raising descent on the slide!.

Labour day here in WA tommorow so a day off for daddy D,hooray!